Johnny Masters' Kentucky Resolutions

Friday, May 7, 2010

Stop The Politricks
Pass a Law that makes All County and City Officials Put Their Budget and Minutes Online.

Police Accountability
A. Bill of Rights Testing
B. Criminalize Enhancement Charges
C. Establish Citizen's Complaint Authority Boards
D. Require Statewide “Shop With A Cop” Programs
E. Codify Proper Procedure for Cop Watch Programs
F. Have Public Surveillance Cameras Accessible to the Public
G. Equip all police officers with personal surveillance equipment like they are doing in Boone County.

Democracy Now!
A. Allow 18 years to run for political office.
B. Ballot Initiatives: let the People vote for candidates and issues.
C. Replace the current voting system with Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).
D. Be Fair to Independent Candidates.

Internet for Everybody
A. Provide Internet and Community broadcasting for all working people.
B. Adhere to the Principle of Net Neutrality.
C. Post all old microfilm newspapers and other historic info on the Internet.

Stronger Union Protections
Pass the Employee Free Choice Act for Kentucky so all Kentuckians get to vote, at least once in our lifetimes, on unionizing.

Dethrone The King: Nationalize Coal
A. Pass the energy reduction bill, where a certain percentage of Kentucky's energy has to come from clean sources, not Coal, Oil, or Nuclear.
B. Require all sludge ponds: 1) be completely dried out; 2) be sealed with a double liner of clay and a synthetic material; 3) have groundwater monitoring, and; 4) have a collection and containment system put in place in case of a spill.
C. Work on a plan to use eminent domain for public use to assume ownership of Kentucky's coal.

Eradicate Poverty/Fix The Economy/Keep Kentucky Working
A. Assemble a team of grant writers (consider internships) to aggressively go after every grant possible.  So far the 61st District has missed opportunities in technology, nursing, libraries, welcome centers, justice grants, drug rehabilitation, women's shelters, etc.  We need to secure more Obama Bucks
B. Keep Unemployment Benefits and Food Stamps in Full Operation
C. Make Housing a Guaranteed Right
D. Increase Minimum Wage To $11 an hour
E. Freeze Rent Rates

Universal Healthcare 
A. Single-Payer Healthcare for Kentuckians
B. Allow Kentuckians to purchase cheaper prescription pills, even in foreign markets.

Universal College
A. Provide free college to whoever wants to pursue their higher education
B. Freeze tuition rates at current levels for 5 years.

The Kentucky Rebels
Encourage the NBA and our government to work together to create a People's Team, where we get to vote for the head coach and the starting 5 for the Kentucky Rebels.  This would create more revenue for Kentucky, and give a home for our talented Wildcats and Cardinals.

Legalize Marijuana
Put Gatewood's Plan on the Ballot, and let the people decide for themselves


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