I Am Unique

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Death of KJ Deaton

Monday, July 19, 2010

The History of Glencoe, KY

Sunday, July 18, 2010


July 2010 Glencoe City Meeting


July 2010 Warsaw City Meeting


The Evening Primrose

Here's several flowers blooming, in just a 10 minute time frame.

To Elmhurst, Chicago, IL


Ohioians For Humane Farms


Some things that happened in Dayton, OH and Piqua, OH during this campaign.

People Power, 1st Series (3 VIDEOS, ~28 minutes)

Monday, May 31, 2010

People Power 1


People Power 2


People Power 3


Glencoe City Council 5-10-10 (18 min)

Friday, May 21, 2010

1992 (30 min)

Shill For Corporate Power

Democrat or Republican?

"Daisy" by Lyndon Baines Johnson

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grant County Jailer's Debate

Me In The Debate (Full 6 minutes)

Royce W. Adams

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Was Not Born In 1938


The Owen County Forum May 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Battle of Kentucky 2010

Public Service Announcement Playlist including THE Debate

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Public Service Announcement Playlist including THE Debate [click THIS for all 15 VIDEOS]

Freedom's Heritage Forum Endorses Johnny Masters

Grant County News Article Between Mr. Adams and Me

Kentucky Enquirer's Article About Mr. Adams and Me

My Kentucky Resolutions

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vote 4 Masters

Johnny Masters' Kentucky Resolutions

Stop The Politricks
Pass a Law that makes All County and City Officials Put Their Budget and Minutes Online.

Police Accountability
A. Bill of Rights Testing
B. Criminalize Enhancement Charges
C. Establish Citizen's Complaint Authority Boards
D. Require Statewide “Shop With A Cop” Programs
E. Codify Proper Procedure for Cop Watch Programs
F. Have Public Surveillance Cameras Accessible to the Public
G. Equip all police officers with personal surveillance equipment like they are doing in Boone County.

Democracy Now!
A. Allow 18 years to run for political office.
B. Ballot Initiatives: let the People vote for candidates and issues.
C. Replace the current voting system with Instant Runoff Voting (IRV).
D. Be Fair to Independent Candidates.

Internet for Everybody
A. Provide Internet and Community broadcasting for all working people.
B. Adhere to the Principle of Net Neutrality.
C. Post all old microfilm newspapers and other historic info on the Internet.

Stronger Union Protections
Pass the Employee Free Choice Act for Kentucky so all Kentuckians get to vote, at least once in our lifetimes, on unionizing.

Dethrone The King: Nationalize Coal
A. Pass the energy reduction bill, where a certain percentage of Kentucky's energy has to come from clean sources, not Coal, Oil, or Nuclear.
B. Require all sludge ponds: 1) be completely dried out; 2) be sealed with a double liner of clay and a synthetic material; 3) have groundwater monitoring, and; 4) have a collection and containment system put in place in case of a spill.
C. Work on a plan to use eminent domain for public use to assume ownership of Kentucky's coal.

Eradicate Poverty/Fix The Economy/Keep Kentucky Working
A. Assemble a team of grant writers (consider internships) to aggressively go after every grant possible.  So far the 61st District has missed opportunities in technology, nursing, libraries, welcome centers, justice grants, drug rehabilitation, women's shelters, etc.  We need to secure more Obama Bucks
B. Keep Unemployment Benefits and Food Stamps in Full Operation
C. Make Housing a Guaranteed Right
D. Increase Minimum Wage To $11 an hour
E. Freeze Rent Rates

Universal Healthcare 
A. Single-Payer Healthcare for Kentuckians
B. Allow Kentuckians to purchase cheaper prescription pills, even in foreign markets.

Universal College
A. Provide free college to whoever wants to pursue their higher education
B. Freeze tuition rates at current levels for 5 years.

The Kentucky Rebels
Encourage the NBA and our government to work together to create a People's Team, where we get to vote for the head coach and the starting 5 for the Kentucky Rebels.  This would create more revenue for Kentucky, and give a home for our talented Wildcats and Cardinals.

Legalize Marijuana
Put Gatewood's Plan on the Ballot, and let the people decide for themselves

The Master Plan

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hunter S. Thompson Remix


I made a tribute video for Mr. Thompson to commemorate his campaign for Sheriff of Aspen, Colorado.  Check it out.  It's only 10 mins.

Debate Practice

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Royce W. Adams At The Williamstown Debate

Before the debates, Mr. Adams talked about how gas prices were going to go up because of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  18 years ago when Mr. Adams took office, gas was a dollar.  One dollar.  Per gallon.  Now gas is pushing on $3 per gallon, and we are told that prices are going to keep going up.  So that's great for Mr. Adams.  He's already getting 300% of the profits that he was getting in 1992, and now he's going to get more.

During the debate, Mr. Adams said that the budget wasn't passed because the Governor had sent over a budget that had $17 million of revenue from gaming, and it's a total joke to legalize gambling in Frankfort, so therefore, the House of Representatives had to come up with a new budget from scratch.  The budget bill that Mr. Adams and the Democratic House passed had “unusual ways of raising revenue” according to the current 61st District State Representative.  He also blamed the “jobs” portion of the budget that the Republican Senate opposed, so therefore the budget failed.

So the budget wasn't passed, but Mr. Adams pointed out that Frankfort did pass two bills: a text messaging law that's going to be ineffective, and a compromised version of Amanda's Bill to help out with victims of domestic violence.

Mr. Adams also pointed out that the majority of the 61st district wanted expanded gaming (aka gaming).  So if the People want gambling to be legalized, then the People should get it.  That's how democracy works.

One good thing Mr. Adams pointed out was that he got 8 million dollars for the farmers.  Finally, Mr. Adams does something right.  That's exactly what we need to see happen.  The 61st District needs to get as much tax revenue from Frankfort and Washington as we can possibly get, because if our tax dollars don't start coming back home, then we need to quit paying them.

Election Day, The County Brawl

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
If you are a Kentuckian, then you mostly identify yourself with your County.  You are from Boone County, or Gallatin, or Owen, or Grant... you don't say you're from the city from where you are from.  You say the County.  A Kentuckian's home is their county, especially to all those who go through the county school system.  That's I feel like a “Gallatin Countian” moreso than say a Varshavian, which is what a person from Warsaw is called, or a Spartan, or even American or Kentuckian.

Here's a short synopsis of where the County Government came from, which is information I got from a book

[Click on the Title for the Full Story]

The Grant County Jailer Debate

Saturday, May 1, 2010

[click here for wide screen options, to watch this video on youtube]

Here's the link for the raw video footage of the Sheriff, Jailer, and County Executive's debate:


The Debate for Grant County Sheriff

Friday, April 30, 2010

This debate was without Bill King, however, who would have been a great Sheriff, and he should have the right to at least run.  Let the voters decide, not some elite backdoor political bullies.

The Williamstown Debates (April 28, 2010)

[click here for the full raw video of the debate (after the 1st two debaters)]

Famous People from Kentucky

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Kentucky Resolutions: Freedom: The Promised Land

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Kentucky Resolutions
Freedom: The Promised Land
Written on February 8, 2010

Last year Kentucky was ranked 47th in national rankings for Frankfort's horrible ability to accurately track each and every penny from Obama's stimulus funds giveaway extravaganza. This year, Kentucky was 2nd in stimulus transparency. That's a tremendous improvement, and a positive statistic about Kentucky.
Another statistic, that can be positive, is that Kentucky's #1 cash crop is Marijuana. It can be a positive statistic because Marijuana very well could may be our saving grace, if we're smart, and act now. Marijuana ought to be able to pull us out of this rut our state's leaders have seemed content with tolerating for years since the days Robert Kennedy visited Appalachia.

Kentucky, compared to other States in the US, is also #1 for fastest growing prisons, #1 for child deaths in child abuse cases, #1 for total amount of cancer deaths, #1 state with the poorest mental health, and Kentucky is the #1 State in the US for tooth decay.
[click the Title for the whole thing]

Sweet Owen Country Store

Rebel Country: Owen County, Kentucky

Monday, April 26, 2010
 Here's a playlist of 18 videos I made while in Owen County, enjoy:


Adams vs. Masters (Courier-Journal Interview)


It just came out.  Check it out.  It shows some other Kentucky races too.

Stop Jailer Brutality!

[click for VIDEO... the Jailer of Carroll County Kentucky is a bastard... watch and see for yourself]

District Judge Steve Huddleston's Political Picnic 4-23-10, Warsaw, Kentucky

[click for VIDEO]

Meet The Browns of Warsaw, Kentucky

[click for VIDEO]

[or click on the Title (this doesn't change your perspective, as it does mine, plus I don't have to type "click here for video"... I just have to type "click the Title for video"... hum... should I keep on typing whatever thoughts come into my brain?)]

Anyways.  Click the Title.  This is a test.

My Cousin Tony Kunkel

[click for 3 short VIDEOS of my cousin who had to live in a trailer that had no electric or water... and his parents was okay with that]

Rebel Churches

[click here for a compilation of churches in Owen County, Kentucky 7 min]


Johnny Reads The Grant County News

[click 4 VIDEO]

Attempted Coup De'tat of the County Fair, Glencoe, Kentucky

[click for summary videos]

Gallatin County's Political Signs

[VIDEO (for a Senior prank, a Gallatin County student uprooted all of the political signs in town, and planted them in the front of the Gallatin County School... awesome protest!)]

Me Driving Through Owenton, Kentucky Listening To Hip-Hop

[click for VIDEO]

Dry Ridge City Council Meeting 4-8-10

[click for VIDEO]

Johnny Masters Reads The Gallatin County News

[click for VIDEO]

Car Wreck On Highway 16

[click for VIDEO]

Sparta Baptist Church (the long version)

[click for 2 10 min VIDEOs]

Meet Bud Webster, Gallatin County Magistrate

[click 4 VIDEO]

Meet George Webster, Gallatin County Citizen

[click for VIDEO]

Mr. Steve Perkins, Glencoe Kentucky Citizen

[click for VIDEO]

The Curve That Killed Tammy, Dillon, and Dallas

[click for VIDEO]

Sue Taylor, Warsaw, Kentucky

[click for VIDEO]

Interview With Tim Ratliff, Owen County Citizen

[click 4 VIDEO]

Kentucky Resolutions: My Platform For State Rep

[click for 3 10 min youtube videos]

Gallatin County's Class of 2000

[click for 12 VIDEOS]

Williamstown Kentucky City Council Meeting 2-1-10

[click 4 VIDEO]

Travis Davis, Highlight Reel, Gallatin County Wildcat Basketball

[click 4 VIDEO]

Gallatin Wildcat High Basketball Remix, 2010

[click 4 VIDEO]

Gallatin High Beats Trimble Raiders, Basketball, 1-22-10

[click 4 VIDEO]

Todd and Leigh Ann Rassman "Gallatin Needs A YMCA"

[click here for the interviews (first with Todd, and then with Leigh Ann clarifying what Todd meant)]

The Johnny Masters Show

[the first and only 27 min. VIDEO of this show]

Warsaw's January 11 City Council Meeting, 2010

[click here for VIDEO... but you should know this by now, right?]

Operation Unite: Kentucky's War On Marijuana

[Hal Rogers, the biggest criminal Kentucky's got, supports Operation Unite. Click here for the video on my take on Operation Unite]

Citizens Complaint Board and "Fire Brent Caldwell"

[click here for the VIDEOS associated with my request that January day]

Buglary Next To Integra Bank (the old Farmer's State Bank, and the new Bank of Kentucky)

[buglary next to "a city guy"]

Gallatin County Statistics

[click for the VIDEO]

The People of Meadowcreek, Warsaw, Kentucky

[click here for 10 min video]

The RAW VIDEO of my biological father attacking me with a golf club

[here's the incident reported on by the media 6 months later, by Gallatin County News, who was fair and balanced, and by Grant County News, which was not.

My Father Files 4 Criminal Charges On Me

[click here for 18 videos]

Johnny Masters Interviews Kenny French

[click here for my first interview VIDEO (thanks Mr. French, will never forget it)]

Warsaw City Council Meeting 1-11-10

[click here for the FULL VIDEO]

Warsaw City Council Meeting 12-14-9

[click here for the fun show]

Christmas in Warsaw Kentucky

[VIDEO less than 10 minutes, click this for the VIDEO]

Johnny Masters Gallatin County News Attempt 12-12-9

[click here for the week that Mr. Cain asked me to do the gc news while he was working at a factory]

"Harassing Communications" VIDEO

This is the video that got me the "terroristic threatening" charge, which was eventually negotiated down to "harassment communications", a slap on the wrist, without having to take on the County's Prosecutor and the lowlife scumbag that smacked me around for the majority of my life.

[click here for some raw feelings of me versus some douche that needs to stay away forever]

Famous Kentuckians (7 min. VIDEO)

[click here for some good KY music and an education]

MARIJUANA! (The Complete Series)

[click here for 11 VIDEOS]

Kentucky Folks (Full Series)

[click here for a playlist VIDEO SERIES from my youtube channel, which you could have just watched it there, but you don't know computers, and therefore you missed all the stuff I was doing when it was new]

Bible Stories

[click here for VIDEO SERIES - 17 of them]

Wealth and Power: My Book

[click this for short interview]

Johnny Masters Talking 10-25-9 (last vid got over 2,000 views)

[click here for 4 10 min. VIDEOS, including one of the BIG ones]

Promo For Johnny Masters "Marijuana!" Series

[click this to see a 30 sec VIDEO]

The 1st KFC, Corbin, Kentucky

[click the clicky]

Johnny Masters Declares Intention To Run For Office

[click here for VIDEO]

Johnny Masters Reads Our Human Rights In Frankfort

[click here for VIDEO]

The Kentucky 120 (Full Series)

[click here for VIDEO SERIES]

Warsaw's Pumpkin Parade (Johnny's revolt)

Warsaw's Pumpkin Parade 10-9-9 [click for VIDEO]

Gallatin Middle School Football

[click this link for the VIDEO]

Kentucky Utilities (under E.ON's Dominion)

[click for "Wulf Bernotat Jr." VIDEO]

In Defense of Johnny Masters

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hello. I am Johnny Masters. My full name is Johnathan Daniel Masters. I love it. A lot. In 2003 that's what I had it legally changed to. My first-birth-maiden-slave name my parents gave me was Kevin Forest Deaton Junior. Even though I had it “changed”, as a “Junior”, I never really felt like I had my own name. Instead, it was more like I discovered, or made, myself (a self-made man).
[For Full Story click on the title: In Defense of Johnny Masters]

Hip-Hop is Socially Conscious and Revolutionary

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rosa Clementa announced that Hip-Hop is Revolutionary, since it's honest, it's in your face, it's uncompromising, and it's speaks Truth to Power.

Hip-Hop is the Music of Revolution.

[For the Full Story, Click on the Title]


Vote Johnny Masters for State Representative. Frankfort has done a poor job, and it's time for something different. It's time for a Revolution, and it's about time. The poor are pissed.

Page One



Royce Adams is...
